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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Can I draft my own divorce and have a lawyer look at it?

I was speaking with a friend a couple days ago who is going through a divorce. His wanted to know if he and his wife could reach an agreement and present it to the attorneys to draft. One of my earlier blogs discussed contested and non-contested divorces; however, I feel like we should cover some benefits of non-contested divorces again.

Why would you prefer to reach an agreement and avoid trial? Attorneys commonly refer to trying a case, like a roll of the dice; you never know what you are going to end up with. Parties who enter into an agreement without trial have more control over the outcome. In general your agreement is only limited by your creativity.

Reaching an agreement can greatly shorten the process. Let’s face it going through a divorce is stressful and the longer you are in the process the more stress involved. One big ticket item is you save money by working together to develop an agreement.

If you have a divorce settlement worked out with your spouse and you want someone to take a look at it, give me a call. -James Fancher (205)912-8247
Blankenship Harrelson, LLP

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