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Thursday, August 11, 2011

I depend on alimony. What happens if my ex dies?

My husband/wife and I are going through a divorce. We have agreed that I will be the custodial parent and my soon to be ex will pay child support and alimony. If I did not have the child support and/or alimony I would not be able to take care of our kids. What can be done to protect me and our kids in the unlikely event my husband/wife were to pass away?

I would recommend that a life insurance policy be taken out on your soon to be ex. I would also require that the policy had you and/or the kids listed as IRREVOCABLE beneficiaries. By making the beneficiaries irrevocable the policy holder cannot later change the beneficiaries.

If I can help in any way with your will, child support or any family legal issues, please give me a call. -James Fancher (205)912-8247
Blankenship Harrelson, LLP

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